And so it begins…

So this is the world of blogging! I have so much I want to say. I think I should keep this first post simple.  I have been trying to get healthy and lose weight seriously for the last 9 months. I hired a personal trainer, stopped working part time, found a doctor and thought BAM..the weight was going to fall off. And you know what? It hasn’t. Sure my body has changed, I have gone down 3 sizes and my shape is noticeably different. But the pounds are not melting away as I expected. I tried weight watchers, I tried low carbing, I tried eating more protein, I tried weight watchers again, and I seem to keep getting the same results. Very small losses…..or no loss at all. Actually, I am getting really good at maintaining!  So I decided to find a therapist. I actually have seen a therapist for the last 4 years and we built a great bond. But I felt like I was paying him to listen to me talk and my breakthrough moment never happened. So I found a new therapist and after 3 sessions I am completely blown away. Finally there is someone that understands me. Someone that doesn’t look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that I argue with myself about wanting to eat a cookie. Not only have the last 3 session been completely eye-opening to me…but I now have confidence that my breakthrough is coming..or maybe it is happening right now.

See, there is so much more to weight loss than the food you consume. If we can not break free of that baggage we are carrying can we ever expect to drop the extra weight? I have shared a couple stories on my facebook page recently and the feedback I have received has been amazing! There are so many people out there with stories that are just  too afraid to share them. So I am sharing mine. Sharing mine for those that can’t or won’t or want to and don’t know how. I hope you enjoy. And please reach out to me if you need anything.

8 thoughts on “And so it begins…

  1. Sharon

    You look amazing and I am excited to see your progress continue! I too am seeing it’s about “mindset”, not just the food. Hey, I am doing a walking/running “Stepping Through September” Challenge if you want to join in! You can find me & the info at loosingweightwithsharon on Facebook.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jessica - Healthy Divahood

    Welcome to blogging! You are so not alone, I argue with myself about a lot of things…eating that cookie, going to the gym or not going, buying that pizza! LOL I am looking forward to your blog! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Jessica - Healthy Divahood

        If you are on the computer and signed in and on my blog click on the entry you want to read/reblog and scroll down. At the bottom there are options to share and one is reblog.

        lol I understand. I sometimes have to sit and look and think. 😉


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